On Sunday we spent a wonderful afternoon with our good friends, Juan Carlos and Rebeca. They made plans to take us on a surprise adventure for the day. We had no idea where we were going. Juan Carlos had a cooler filled with beer and white wine and a backpack filled with red wine. We drove about 40 minutes from San Miguel de Allende into the countryside. When we arrived, we drove up to this amazing hacienda...Las Trancas. The hacienda is over 450 years old and it currently owned by an American couple from North Carolina.
When we went to the front door, Rebeca rang this huge bell. One of the staff opened the door, smiled and greeted Rebeca by name. She welcomed us to the hacienda and asked us to take a seat on the back patio. A few minutes later, we were brought refreshing margaritas and homemade totopos and guacamole.
After about 30 minutes of chatting and relaxing, we were given a personal tour of the entire hacienda. We were able to see all 11 suites (we were not allowed to take any pictures in the suites), the kitchen area, comedor that seats 22 people at one long table, the SPA that gives one hour massages for less than $25, the gym, the outdoor pool and hot tub, the horse stables, vegetable garden, etc. Oh, did I mention that we were the only guests at the hacienda? It was our very own private hacienda for the day. For more information, check out their website:
Once the tour was over, we each had a beer on another patio and enjoyed the magnificent vista. A short time later, the dinner bell rang. It was time to eat. We could have eaten on any one of the three patios or in the comedor. Rebeca and Juan Carlos selected the comedor. The staff had set the table for the four of us. For starters, we had mushroom and nopal soup, followed by a garden salad with apples drizzled with jamaica dressing. The main course: chiles rellenos, one was a poblano pepper stuffed with meat and the other was an ancho chile en escabeche with plantanos and cheese. The side dishes were arroz rojo con jitomates y cebollas asados and papas fritas francesa and auga de pina. And yes, fresh homemade tortillas and salsa verde. For dessert we had helado de mango fresco. Oh, did I mention that we could bring in our own beer and wine? So of course we had plenty of wine to accompany our meal thanks to Juan Carlos and Rebeca.
After comeda, we retired to another outdoor patio where one could relax in a hammock. Yes, we were kings and queens for the day. We did meet the real king of the hacienda...OJ...as in orange juice. He is a cat and a well fed cat at that.
What a great day with great friends!! Check out the photos we took at: