Thursday, December 10, 2009


We thought we would share some pictures of our home in Oaxaca.  We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful place.  The pictures are in a slideshow format.  Click on the link below and it will take you to Photobucket.  Yes, Bob did get carried away with the camera.



  1. Very, very nice! It must be nice to have sun, flowers, and warmth .... it was 0 today with the wind chill and the winds were fierce. Was that a baby crib in the living room??

  2. Honeykreg:

    Yes that is a baby crib in the living room. You never know when one will have to open a "Jardin de Ninos" to make ends meet.

    Aren't the last days of fall in Michigan a real bear?

    Perhaps we will have another post tonight!

  3. a banana tree? I want a banana tree, but guess I have to be some where warm for them to grow!! hope you both are enjoying yourselves. thanks for keeping us updated on your wonderful adventures!

  4. Amanda:

    I am sure you will have plenty of adventures to share with us come next February. We look forward to your stories.
