Sunday, January 24, 2010


You may be asking yourself what is a “Quinceanera”? Quinces are traditional Hispanic celebrations introducing a young woman into society. This special celebration happens when the girl turns 15 years of age. It is usually celebrated with a special mass, "Acion de Gracias", thanking God for their lives so far, asking for spiritual guidance for the future and this is followed by a grand party.  Many times, an outsider may confuse this celebration with a wedding because of the elaborate dresses, tiaras, and decorations. It is one of the most important days in a young girl’s life. The young girl will dance in front of everyone at the party. Her first escort is called a chambelan.

Yesterday in San Miguel de Allende, three special girls, Lupita, Pilar, and Roscio, were celebrating their “Quinceanera’s”. This was indeed a very special day for these three girls because they live at Casa Hogar Don Bosco. Casa Hogar consists of three homes for young and teenage girls and boys in need of a home.  Many of the children were abused, abandoned, or their families are too poor to feed and care for them. Dedicated Dominican Nuns care for and love these children. For the past several weeks after their English lessons, the three young women have been taking dance lessons to ensure they would be ready for the special dance at their Quinceanera.

Several people within the community came together to ensure these three young women had the opportunity to participate in one of the most important days in their lives. They provided special dresses for the girls, shoes, etc. They coordinated a special mass at the La Parroquia (San Miguel de Allende’s Parish Church) and a grand party for over 170 people at Casa Angelitos  The young women were beautiful.  All three wore tiara’s, looked like princesses, and danced with their chambelan.  This was certainly a memorable day for many.


  1. I watched the video. What a beautiful place. You have been fortunate to be a part of this type of celebration a few times before if I remember correctly. It sounds like a wonderful experience. The girls looked so pretty. Are they your students?
