Thursday, February 4, 2010


Here in Mexico, the Mexicans know how to have a good time. They celebrate everything from birth to death. Years ago when children didn’t live very long due to illnesses, the parents would have a big celebration for their child’s third birthday. It is also the presentation of their daughter to the church.

This week, we had the privilege of participating in such a celebration. Miguel and Mercedes, the owners of Rinconcito’s Restaurant (where we frequent a couple times a week), invited us to the celebration of their daughter’s, Andrea’s, third birthday. We weren’t sure what we were getting into because we never had heard of this type of special celebration.

For weeks, Mercedes had been making decorations of flowers, angels, bags of goodies, etc. They asked if we would come. The church services would be at 3:00 p.m., at Templo de las Monjas (temple of the nuns). Afterwards would be a dinner, a clown for the children, and live music for dancing. WOW…all this for a third birthday.

We agreed to participate. It was on Tuesday. Tuesday is the only day that Rinconcitos is closed. By this time, it had been raining for 48 hours straight. We would normally walk to town; however, it was really pouring rain. We hailed a taxi. It was the best 25 pesos we have spent in a long time.

Once we got to the chapel, we saw four individual kneelers all decorated in white, along with a little white chair. This service was going to be much more than we anticipated. The chapel was filling up with people, mainly gringos. Later we were told that is because the Mexicans had to work; however, they would be at the party.

Soon, Miguel, Mercedes, and Andrea arrived. They were all dressed up and looked wonderful. Andrea looked like a little angel all dressed in white. The priest met them at the entrance to the chapel. He blessed Andrea and then asked the parents and the padrinos (Godparents) to all bless her. They proceeded to the front of the chapel and took their places at the white kneelers. The priest led prayers and also gave a special sermon about the special life of a child. A child is a special gift from God. It is the parents and padrinos responsibility to ensure that Andrea is raised to have a good life in the church.

For a three year old, Andrea was doing a great job in being very patient. After a while, she was fidgeting with her dress. It was scratching her around her neck. The services finished, we took a few pictures, and it was time for the party. Good friends of ours, Tom and Linda, offered us a ride to the party so six of us climbed into their SUV.

The party was held at Crystal Salon. It is a very nice banquet hall very close to our condo, about two to three blocks away. We walked into the room and everything was all decorated. There were ten large tables all decorated in pink. It was set for 100 people. As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by a waiter with glasses of wine.

In one corner was an inflatable bounce house for the children. Soon a clown and several helpers arrived. The children were all seated at a special table and hamburgers and french fries were delivered to them. After they ate, there was a face painter. All the children were having a great time.

All of the adults went to the buffet and were served a delicious meal of chicken breast with a special sauce, penne pasta with a light tomato sauce, lightly breaded chicken tenders, salad, fresh fruit, and bread. The wine and other drinks continued to flow all evening long. While we were eating, the electricity went out. No one got upset. The party continued and about 45 minutes later, the electricity came back on. For dessert we had a delicious birthday cake.

Now it was time for the clown. All of the children gathered around the front of the room. Andrea, the guest of honor, was given a special seat. It was amazing to watch this three year old sit in this seat for as long as she did. The clown was very entertaining. Even the adults were paying attention.

Behind us out in the courtyard, a woman was setting up a special machine. We finally figured out that she was going to make cotton candy for the children and young adults or anyone who wanted this sweet, sticky sugar. When the clown finished, the live band began. They played great dance music and everyone got up and danced. After a while, more food was brought out for everyone to enjoy, sweet corn on a stick.

We finally left the party around 9:30 p.m., and walked home in the rain. The party continued until midnight and a good time was had by all. We are thankful to have had the opportunity to participate in another Mexican tradition.

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