Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Last week we gathered with a group of friends. Tom and Linda graciously agreed to host the dinner at their beautiful home in Colonia San Antonio. They live just a couple blocks from us. Their home sits on the highest point of the colonia. They have a wonderful view and sunsets on their roof top are spectacular.

Ned and Billie and Tom and Dianne also joined us. Everyone chipped in to make the evening great. We had wine and appetizers on the roof top. This was followed by grilled racks of lamb, oven risotto, salad served in lacey parmesan cheese baskets, delicious bread and wonderful churned butter, and more wine. The table was beautiful and the flowers were spectacular. Linda got a great deal on the flowers…$200 pesos.

The evening was topped off by the best Flourless Chocolate Cake with a Chocolate Glaze we have ever eaten. This was served with a wonderful Zinfandel Port wine.

We were all commenting how nice it is to have such wonderful friends. We are all from different parts of the US and have different backgrounds. We are a doctor, chemical engineer, human resource consultant, rocket scientist, educator, administrative assistant, banker, and financial consultant. The one thing we all have in common is good fortune.

The best thing of all, the clean up was done by Tom and Linda’s housekeeper, Paty. We do know a good time was had by all.

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