Saturday, August 20, 2011


It has been a long time since we posted to our blog.  There is so much to talk about.  We really need to back up about 6 months.  Believe us...we will keep you posted.

We wanted to share with you something that happened to us today.  We ran a lot of errands.  We ended at the local grocery store.  We decided to have chicken on the grill tonight for dinner.  We were looking at the chickens in the counter.  Some were marked "Pollo Ancas" and some "Pollo Comersa".  They both were cut like Bob cuts them, in an albino style.  We must have stood at the counter for over 5 minutes checking out these chickens.  The "Ancas" style was cheaper than the "Comersa" style.  We looked at the package dates, weight, etc.  All of the "Ancas" packages were lighter in weight.  We couldn't figure it out.  We figured we were purchasing a very young chickin.  So of course, Bob selected the "Ancas" style.

When we got home, Bob opened the package of chicken to clean it only to find out the chicken didn't have any breasts.  Sam looked up the work "Ancas" in the dictionary and it said, "haunch, hindquarter".  So, there you breast meat!

We learn something new every day!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! It's a good thing you both enjoy the dark meat as well .... I would have been disappointed as I only eat the breasts:-) Glad to see you blogging again.
