Monday, November 16, 2009


Sam's comments...16 days and counting!

This past weekend we were busy packing and moving a lot of stuff at Bob's mom's home.  On Friday evening, they rented a storage unit.  Saturday morning we started loading two pick-up trucks.  This really isn't the picture of the pick-up trucks we used, but it certainly felt like it.  Don't ask me why they didn't rent a U-haul truck and perhaps do it in one or two loads.  No, it was done in at least 5 loads on Saturday and probably at least 5 loads on Sunday.  So, that was 10 truck loads/truck or a total of 20 truck loads.  Don't forget all the travel time and gas that was wasted.  Guess what...we still aren't done!  The inside of the house has some miscellaneous stuff...all the heavy items are gone.  However, the garage is still FULL!!  We were very lucky that the weather co-operated on Saturday...64 degrees and sunny.  On Sunday it was in the mid 50's...cooler and no sun.

At present, Bob is at the dentist's office getting his permanent crown.  Oh yes, did I mention that last weekend when we were in Ohio visiting our friends, Bob chipped his front tooth biting on a cracker.  In Bob's defense, the cracker was hard and crunchy.  He decided to use his front teeth because he didn't want to damage the temporary crown.  Always something!

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