Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This past weekend we went to visit our friends in Ohio, Jim and Karen.  Friday was Jim's birthday and we celebrated in style with lobsters.  Karen purchased the lobsters from a local store on Friday afternoon.  They were on special for a low, low price of $5.99/pound.  The lobsters were a little on the small side so Karen made an executive decision and purchased two lobsters for each of us.

Of course, there are always some people who have to play with their food!  Didn't their mother's teach them anything?

The devil and the angel lobsters talking to Bob
Eat, don't eat me!
Karen and Bob dancing to "Dancing Queen" except they changed the words to "Lobster Queen"
Normally when we get together with Jim and Karen, Bob and Jim always have to have a cook-off.  This trip was no exception as they each cooked four lobsters.  Here is Jim looking up a recipe!

Jim being dignified on his birthday!

Bob knew exactly what he wanted to do and started butchering.
Jim decided to steam his lobsters while Bob's were grilled.

A very Happy Birthday Guy!
After dinner, we all enjoyed another glass of wine by the fire. 

Once the fire was done we went inside for a delicious birthday treat...a key lime pie.  A perfect dessert for a perfect evening.


  1. Love these pictures! What a meal, I am salivating as I write this! What a nice way to spend the weekend.

  2. Well, we'll have to jointly decide what meal we will have together when you give us a date!! Perhaps all these food pictures will speed your
