Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This past week has been busy and has had its ups and downs. Last Tuesday, my cousin who is 76 years old and very frail and weak was beaten in his home. He lives in the small town where I grew up. He lived on a street where my friends from school lived. Now he is in a coma and on life supports. How could this be? He wasn't hurting anyone. We continue to pray for him. His life has changed.

On Thursday, my aunt who was 5 days short of her 98th birthday passed away. She is the mother of my cousin in the coma. As a child, I can always remember her, "dressing to the hilt" and wearing lots of make-up. May she rest in peace. Her life has passed.

Thursday afternoon, Bob and I drove down to stay at my sister's for the weekend. Our niece was getting married on Saturday. We fixed dinner for my sister, Marcia, and enjoyed a quiet evening. Her husband had to attend a business meeting. On Friday, Marcia and I filled over 200 cannolies for the wedding. While we were doing that, Bob trimmed her bushes. It was really cold on Friday. I think the high was 42 F...if you can call that a high.

After the cannolies and bush trimming, Bob and I started prepping for dinner. Another sister, Shirley, and her husband joined us along with two of my nieces, Amanda and Jamie. Amanda was home on leave from the military because her twin sister Jamie was expecting a baby. We had the pleasure of meeting the new baby, Natalya. She was only 10 days young and a beautiful baby. She has a lifetime in front of her. Jamie's life has now changed. She is now a mother and has more responsibility.

It was indeed a long day on my feet prepping and cooking in the kitchen. It was like Thanksgiving dinner…many hours of preparation for a short time of eating. But it was good and great to be with family!

On Saturday, Andrea and Tony got married. It was a beautiful wedding. They too, have a lifetime of happiness and joy in front of them. We wish them well and hope they are as happy as we are after 28 years of marriage. Their lives have also changed.

Wow...in our book that is a lot of change in one week.


  1. Nancy, I am so sorry to read of your cousins horrible experience. One can't help but ask why? It is so sad to think that there are people in this world that can hurt others for no reason. I will keep him in my prayers. Your Aunt had a long life,and I pray she was not aware of what had happened to her son when her life was coming to an end. She will be in my prayers as well. You experienced the full spectrum of life - birth and death, marriage with the hope & promise of the future that the bride and groom had in their hearts, and the warmth of family love. I'm glad that with all that was going on,you found moments of happiness. I hope you have had time to relax. You will be in my thoughts. Sending you a hug. xoxo

  2. Honey, my aunt had dementia for several years, worse than moms. Thanks for your thoughts and hug.

  3. Hi Bob & Sam,
    I was catching up on your blog this morning. I'm sad to hear that a family member was a victim of violence. Every day there seems to be more violence in our world. In undergraduate school I took a geography of crime class. It seems in bad economic times violence goes up as it does during very hot seasons and holiday seasons. I hope your elderly cousin recovers okay.
