Sunday, October 4, 2009


Sam's comments...59 days and counting!

Today, we were busy all day but I don't seem to have one topic to write about.  We enjoyed our coffee and read the Sunday paper.  We did discuss canceling the paper and just reading it online.  The Detroit News is old news by the time we read it.  We had a nice omelet of sauteed onions, mushroom, yellow bell pepper, and a serrano pepper with a little monteray jack cheese, served with a toasted english muffin.

We headed to the hardware store to purchase some hornet spray.  We will be going back to Northville to do some more packing and cleaning.  The other day, there were several hornets in the kitchen.  We think they are coming in thru the light socket in the ceiling.  We also stopped to the library so I could pick up a book to read.  It is titled...The Sweet Scent of Murder by Susan P. Baker.  I met Susan this past year in San Miguel.  She and her husband own a condo in the same complex where we rent in Col. San Antonio.  I hope it is a good book.

Finally we made our way to Northville.  The weather was really crummy all day.  It was cool and it rained on and off all afternoon.  Bob went after the hornets. He was brave and went into the attic to see what he could find.  Then it was off to cleaning the garage...yuck.  There are so many tools, drills, table saws, etc.  Some of the stuff I couldn't even tell you about.  We put the trash at the curb since tomorrow is trash day.  Within minutes, we already had trash pickers.  Trash to us is a treasure to someone else.

We did have a couple come thru the house today.  The house has been on the market for about 10 days, and we have had 5 showings.  Many of them are first time home buyers.  We are certain they are trying to buy a house and close before the end of November so they can qualify for the $8,000 tax credit.  We are keeping our fingers crossed.  The house looks a lot better than it did just two weeks ago.

After a long day cleaning the garage, we stopped to the grocery store and purchased a rotisserie chicken.  We had the chicken, Bob had noodles while I had a sweet potato, carrots, and salad for dinner.  And of course, a glass or two of wine.  It certainly hit the spot with not much preparation and effort.

Now I think it is time to relax.  The new Iron Chef show is on tonight.  Then off to bed, read my book, and hope for a good night's sleep.

1 comment:

  1. We watched the New Iron Chef Show also. It is off to an interesting start....if the judges don't get into a battle of their own.
